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Google rewarded the men who bought his domain for a few seconds.

Sanmay Ved became famous globally by becoming owner of However, his hapiness did not last long.

Sanmay Ved it’s a Google's ex-worker that became famous to beginnings of the month for buying  the domain for only 12 dollars. This incredible transaction owed to a mistake of the Internet giant. And because of that Ved had the control of the important domain for a minute, then it was withdrawn from his power and there the money spent was returned to him. Nevertheless, Ved announced across his LinkedIn's account that Google's safety department contacted him and offered him a monetary reward for having discovered the fault in the system that allowed him to buy the domain The exact quantity of money that Google will deliver to him has not been said, and spokesmen of the company have not declared themselves guilty to the oficial issue on this incident.

But the ex-worker of the Internet giant has declared that it will donate to the charity the money. The history of how Ved obtained one of the most valuable domains of the world it is too simple. He was sailing of the calmest thing along Google Domains and, thanks to the fault of the system, it saw that the name was available. " It had the hope of that it would give an error in some moment of the transaction ", explained Ved to the medias, since he could not believe that Google's domain was available for twelve dollars, only twelve dollars! But to the minute of accomplishing the purchase, he noticed that the company cancelled it suddenly.