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New technologies / innovations

Some inventions can change humanity like the one that we are   going to present you coming up next, it's truly amazing like the one of the Nickel Ball that has been presented on The most shared videos.

Historically applies: Agriculture = technical progress. In the 1950s a farmer with his work fed ten people - today there are more than 130. This was possible by the enormous productivity increased mainly by technical progress on the breeding process, in crop protection as well as the agricultural technology. Even today the agricultural production systems before challenges: the resistance in field crops increase, low life services in dairy farming or in principle, the availability of qualified labor. 

Therefore, we analyze and evaluate how new technologies in the agricultural sector will meet these challenges. For this purpose we can examine the following questions: 

a.     How are innovations created with the competitiveness of agricultural holdings? 

b.     How changing agricultural production processes and structures due to new technologies? 

c.     What are the critical success factors for a dissemination of innovation? 

d.     What can policymakers do to ensure that new, more environmentally friendly technologies spread quickly? 

e.     What can policymakers do to negative consequences of new technologies to avoid them? 

The current focus of our work in this area are studies on the potential and consequences of self-propelled machines/robots as well as Precision Farming in the arable sector. Still, we consider currently the operating economic consequences of current innovations in the vegetable. 

To analyze we work with other institutions such as the Julius Bold Institute or the TU Braunschweig.